A clear ally emerged from the crowds, a transgender troll named Shelly and a user named Chris. Despising the majority of the chat's users, Vendetta ruthlessly attacked them and enacted some of the trolling methods he was best known for. Vendetta, being one of the original chat's members, joined the newly-formed chat. The chat was mostly people joining and leaving at the start, it grew into a small active community comparable to 'One Direction Fans'. Several of the chat's most notable members joined in this time period, including: Vendetta, Chelsea, Oscar, Shelly, and Ellis. The chat attracted many pedophiles due to the presence of horny minors.
What distinguished it was the amount of LGBT teenagers and the fact that many of them were there to sext other LGBT teenagers. It was similar to many other abandoned chats. The 'Ancient Era' was the time before the chatroom was taken over by Chelsea. Once the chat room was closed for long enough, Vendetta became the owner by asking Chatzy.
Chelsea reigned for years and eventually closed down the chatroom. LGBTS Teen Chat was an abandoned chat prior to being taken over by Chelsea. Prior to it being taken down, it became one of the most popular chat rooms on Chatzy. The original 'Gay Teen Chat' was unsurprisingly taken down due to the distribution of child pornography. 'LGBTS Teen Chat', previously known as 'Gay Teen Chat' is the reincarnation of its namesake.